Since day one, Handiskins has donated over $130,000 to the Challenge Leuk the Duck charity. This contribution is set to grow significantly in 2023
All the latest Handiskins Winners from around the clubs completed over the last few months of 2022 across Australian Golf Clubs
Modge Brown of Glenelg Golf Club has qualified as the oldest player to qualify for a Handiskins Club Championship at 91 years old
All the latest Handiskins Winners from around the clubs over the last few months of 2022
Twelve new clubs joined the Handiskins Competition in 2022 which considering the lingering effects of COVID and massive flooding, it is extremely positive.
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Brian Taylor from Pacific Dunes Golf Club was the man of the moment at the 20222 Yamaha Chipping Competition at the Handiskins National Championships
All details and winners from the Handiskins National Championship 2022 on the Gold Coast.