Troy Davidson won two big jackpot hole to finish the day with a whopping $820 to be crowned Pine Rivers Golf Club's Inaugural Handiskins Champion
A $460 jackpot hole helped Richard Brown to his first Handiskins title at Meadow Springs Golf Club
You have to drop the putts that count and Geoff Glenwright was the guy to do it today at Northbridge Golf Clubs Handiskins Final.
$290 jackpot hole win for Darryl Paul puts him clearly above the rest in Bayview Golf Clubs $600 Handiskins Final today
A $230 jackpot hole won by Quinn Mathieson rocketed him to the top of the money tree to take out the 2019 Secret Harbour Handiskins Title.
Jackpot holes help Grant Caldwell to large slice of the $1,000 prize money on offer at Albury Golf Club Handiskins Final
Wendy Sicconi took on the men in the $1,000 Handiskins final for their Thursday competition and walked away with 12 of the 18 holes for a tidy $580 payday.
Shane Knight picked up 3 jackpot holes over the last 7 holes to win the 2019 Oxley Golf Club Handiskins Final.